Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Zoo Tails

Twinkle, twinkle little light
How I love you late at night.
Like a fish or in a tree
Pretty, pretty, so pretty.

I bet you've never seen prairie dogs like those before.

On the drive to the Columbus Zoo, Geoff and I argued about directions while Megan and Mery giggled in the backseat of Lola. The drive itself was pretty with farms and newly built houses. After a quick stop for directions we made it to the zoo and their annual Zoo Lights.

The Columbus Zoo is a fifteen minute drive from
campus and a great place to spend the day.

Admission is only ten dollars. It is so big and full of so many things to do that you need hours to complete everything. The four of us took four hours to see everything and we were just there for the lights . . . and whichever animals were still outside.

Megan, Me, and baby elephant.

And I must say, we did see everything. Fish, manatees, bats, monkeys, night critters, elephants, rinos, tigers, lions, penguins, birds, reptiles, there was a really, really big snake, and the list continues. Plus the zoo did a magnificent job decorating. Every single tree there wore lights. They also had amazing light structures of hippos and dragonflies and penguins. There were just so many.

The zoo itself is great and it is defiantly a must see even if you are just visiting.

Megan, Geoff, and me sitting on a manatee.

After we returned to campus we met up with Ryan, crowded into the guys’ room and watch Rudolph, and I’m talking the old Rudolph. The one that is film in that funny clay-mation but not stuff. And the songs are wonderful but listening to them now, they make no sense. That’s the Rudolph I’m talking about. Mery had never seen it so we watched it.

Then I went to bed.

And now, it is paper time. Finals are coming up and I’ve got four papers to write in place of my finals.

We are just wandering around the zoo. In the background you can see the great job the zoo did with lighting every tree.

Catch you guys later and stay safe.


Anonymous said...

Hi Samantha! I really like readng your blogs. I'm considering Ohio Wesleyan and love to write too.

Samantha said...

Hey there Becca! Thank you so much for reading. I always enjoy hearing from other writers. Ohio Wesleyan really is a great place to pursue that writing career or stimulate a creative nerve. If you have any questions about OWU or writing please don't hesitate to ask. Thanks again.

Anonymous said...

Fantastic job thus far, Samantha. Keep it up. I've enjoyed reading your entries.

(from a decade of the '90s alum still in the great state of Ohio)

Samantha said...

Thanks for reading. I hope you find just as much enjoyment in the upcoming entries.

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