Sunday, December 24, 2006

Basement Movies

This blog comes to you from my basement. A setting that is a little different but a lot more comfortable than the dorm room. Don’t get me wrong, the beds are actually decent, but there is just something so satisfying about sitting in a swivel chair under a desk and not having to wrestle internet cables and power cords. I am also a person who enjoys natural light or no light. The cool darkness of the basement is perfect for the creative spirit. Just enough light shines through the rectangle windows that I can see my keyboard. The light also has a freshness about it. From my seat I can see the bases of bushes and blue sky.

The past three days of being home have been spent baking. It is a tradition for our family to give bread and cookies to our neighbors and friends. So, I’ve been baking. The house smells wonderful and up until last night, the kitchen table and counter were covered with plastic plates ready for giving. This year’s menu included gingerbread loaf, pineapple cookies with frosting, apricot cookies with pecans, and brownies mixed with cheesecake, raspberries, and white and chocolate chips.

Today is more of a lazy day. I am writing the holiday letter that the family sends out as well as updating the blog and working on my novel. Hopefully I’ll get some present wrapped. I’m also singing along with music. I’ve developed this really cool ability to sing and type at the same time. Today, the family will also drive around and look at lights. It is another family tradition to look at lights on Christmas Eve. It is very similar to the light seeing that the gang up at school did; the one with the flamingo nativity scene.
From what I’ve heard everybody made it home, safe and sound, and is enjoying the time off. There is sleep to be caught up on and schedules not to be followed. I think the lack of schedule is my favorite part. If I want to stay in my pajamas and watch movies all day, I can.

Speaking of, I think the group her in Cincy are planning a movie day. It’s our own little jig where we used to all get together (all being Olivia, Rose, Katie, Jonathan, Mike and Me), lay on a couch, and watch movies for the entire day. Nobody had to move, unless the movie ended or they needed food. We also asked people to get up if they had to use the bathroom. But it was a lovely little way for us to relax. Now that we are all back from school, we’re hoping to get another movie day squeezed in somewhere. Due to college diversity, some people are headed to school within the next two weeks and some of us don’t go back until mid-January.

I’ll keep you posted.
Have a great weekend and a very happy holidays.
Pictures: One: My sister Gretchen and me. Two: Olivia and me at graduation. Three: Olivia, Katie, Mike, and me in my kitchen. Four: A mob of us at Rose's graduation party.


Mery said...

hello dearie! glad to hear you're enjoying break, it's always nice to see old friends. and btw, to anyone who's wondering, those cookies she described really ARE as good as they sound. trust me, my tummy told me so. ;) Have a very Merry Christmas Sam!

Samantha said...

Thanks Mery! Have a great holiday!

Anonymous said...

Greetings from deepindaharta the Buckeye State ... same alum who previously commented on your blog (as I said, I read these periodically)

Anyway, I continue to be very impressed at your dedication to keeping it fresh & interesting. Very good work. Not to impugn some of your classmates who had blogs earlier this year/last semester, but they started out the gate strong, but couldn't keep up, and thus far, you're well ahead of them. Trust me, I know an OWU schedule inside & out, although something like this didn't exist in the mid 90s when I was there - the 'net was just growing in popularity and hey, Netscape was the default browser @ OWU! (as I recall)

Only one thing I can pick on from this entry- don't let the PC police get to your use of the federal holiday of Christmas in your word choice. It is so sad that while Christmas is the holiday that over 80% of Americans celebrate, PC has invaded our culture so much that folks are afraid to say such a simple thing like "Merry Christmas" - for a liberal arts school, I sure hope OWU doesn't discourage this, or I'll be very disappointed in my alma mater.

Merry (belated) Christmas & Happy 2007!

P.S. Since you enjoy writing so much, you may want to check out one of OWU's famous alums - Richard North Patterson. I won a copy of one of his autographed books in a raffle, it is very interesting (finally reading it this year)

Samantha said...

Again, thank you so much for you reading. As far as the use of holiday or Christmas it is more a personal choice of mine. I find the wishing of holiday encompasses all those through December and January. I've always just found it easier. Perhaps it does fall under that politically correct umbrella but it truly is just a me thing. Thanks for again for reading and I look forward to more conversation.

Fun blog said...

Looks like a fun group of friends!

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