Friday, December 15, 2006


Finals are officially here.

There is a funny haze hovering over campus. You can tell the people that have been studying all day. They have a glazed look over their eyes, but at the exact same time they have a buzz from all the coffee that’s been keeping them awake. Their limbs look weak as they trudge between the dorms and the library or Mean Bean (a lovely little coffee shop that accepts our food points). Some haven’t slept, some are just getting up and ready for a night of books.

Today, I took my only exam (Swahili). I really enjoy Swahili. Mimi nina penda Kiswahili. And I turned in my second of three papers (politics). All I’ve got left to do is the final edits on my Writing Fiction story and finish the organizing for my Folklore Project Presentation.

So, this weekend, I am headed back to Cincinnati. Yay cornfields. It really is a lovely drive between Cincinnati and Columbus, if you like flat land, cornfields, and the occasionally soy bean field. It is also a very straight drive. Most roads curve and turn, the road to Cincinnati does not. But, it is an easy drive because you just hop on I-71 and go. All the packing is done too. I finished that this evening so I can leave early tomorrow. I would have left today but I had a tour guide meeting late and you never want to miss and exciting tour guide meeting, especially ones where there is free food.

This evening we: Megan, Geoff, Mery, Ashley, Lola, and I, drove around and looked at Christmas lights. We found some pretty interesting things, including a house with a nativity seen acted out by plastic lawn flamingos. Not kidding, one flamingo was even dressed up as a sheep. It was amazing. Sadly, no one had their camera and we missed the photo opportunity.

Back on campus it is pretty quiet though. Pages are turning and figures are hitting keyboards but that is about all the excitement you are going to find.

Have an amazing weekend.

These pictures demonstrate the mood of finals week. Just enjoy! In order: me, Megan, Ryan, and Mery.


Anonymous said...

Ryan's picture makes me happy!! :)

Samantha said...

I have to agree. I love the way it turned out.

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