Thursday, May 31, 2007

Web 2.0

Have ya'll heard of this yet? I hadn't until I had. Web 2.0 is the next generation of internet communication and refers to an update in the systems/programs that allow for online interaction and conversation. It is not a complete updated internet, like the name suggests.

As a member of a generation where I knew how to use a computer before I did a microwave this update didn't strike me as odd. Who doesn't know how to IM or blog? Who doesn't know Facebook, MySpace, or Live Journal? Even simpler, who doesn't e-mail? But then a broader area of my mind took over, thank the maker, and I realized that we are in a very interesting stage. We have four distinct computer generations with us. We have Generation One (G1) which has no idea what a computer is, how is works, and doesn't want to know either. We have G2 which didn't grow up with a computer but because the demand in work place and home life is so great they have forced themselves to become Tect. savvy, or not, and rely on G3 to help them. G3 is my generation. We grew up with computers at home and in school but we still learns penmanship and had to write papers in pen during class. Finally is G4. G4 has never been without a computer and can press and button and make everything better when the world is crashing down (computer style) and everything is okay.

So, generation established I think our societal direction along with these generations and Web 2.0 is interesting. G1 will eventually be gone. It will be a task to find someone who doesn't know the workings of a computer. An update of internet communication with this "advanced" (used loosly) society is a step in the direction of efficiency. Stamp prices did go up when e-mail is free and quicker.

Honestly, I am disappointed that handwritten communication is going by the wayside. I enjoy pen and paper. I still write all first drafts in that form. I enjoy walking out to my mailbox and seeing a letter in there with my name on it and I enjoy loosing my eye sight to badly formed letters that even a computer couldn't read.

Web 2.0 a quest for efficiency but assisting in a lost history.

So despite all our trying to be different, the kid and I are quite similar. Picture one: her close to the camera. Picture two: me close to the camera, at different times of course. Picture three: Goofy us. Picture four is another attack. This time I tied her to a cat carrier. Ah, we always have so much fun. And trust me, we were laughing the entire time because she said I okay when I told her to lay on the floor and put her head in the carrier and then let me tie her us. She is in fact a lot stronger than I am.

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