Wednesday, May 2, 2007

That's It

Today, the day of today was my last day of classes for my freshmen year at Ohio Wesleyan. I realized at lunch today, as I plopped down on the couch that there were no more classes for me this year. It was an odd realization but also a very exciting one. It means I'm going on. In five days I will officially be a sophomore.


Granted there are still exams to be taken and papers to be written so the stress levels are still up there, but I am not going to have another class as a college freshmen. I like to hold onto little moments like these. I did the same on my drive home from high school the last day, which some of you will soon be experiencing. Any closing like that is a great feeling. You've advanced past something and now it is over.

Next year is so exciting. I am rooming with Megan, Mery, and Selby. It is going to loud and goofy and so much fun. My classes are interesting and I look forward to something different. Summer I am working. I have found that it is hard core work now that I'm past high school. I held a job in high school, yes, but now it is I gotta get hours and I gotta make money. Real world, here I come.

College is good for the real world jump. Very good. It is scary but so much fun. You just got to jump, that's the easiest way. Wherever you go, just jump into it. Do temperature test it with your toe for full force into it. That's how you make college yours and that's when it becomes fun.

Have a great weekend and all that!

anyway, that is at Katie'sPictures: Okay, so I am going back into the high school phase just a bit. A gentle time line. First is Homecoming my junior year . . . senior year . . . I don't remember. Oh goodness, Katie's steps. I wore pants to my Homecoming and it was the best decision I ever made. So comfortable, even those amazing shoes. Picture number two is from prom my senior year. That is my driveway and that is Eric, my best friend house and that is me, posing on who flew out from Oregon to take me to my prom. It was a great night, so much fun. Note, I am wearing the same shoes, which is the only reason I am nearly as tall as him. Four inch heels can do wonders for height. Picture the third is of my first OWU adventure, Fresh X backpacking. Sadly I will not be a leader for the trip this coming fall, but I do still encourage all of you to sign up. The people in charge are excellent. If you go backpacking you'll get the hang out with Mery, always a good time, and it makes your transition to OWU so much easier. In this picture Mery, Julia, and Me.

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