Tuesday, June 3, 2008

June Cicadas

They are crawling up a tree near you, breaking out of their shells, drying their wings, and then flying into your face. Well, they are if you live in southern Ohio.

It is our seventeen year cicada attack (its not really an attack but as I go screaming through the yard as I try not to step on them or have them land on me it sure does sound like a cavewomen battlefield). Gretchen thinks its funny.

They haven't gotten too bad yet. They are singing their song of love and soon, outdoor activity will be accompanied by earmuffs (despite 90 degree weather) just to block out the noise. And soon, every car trip (assuming gas doesn't get any
pricier) will look like an episode of Star Wars when they go to hyperspeed.

I suppose I should specify 'they', cicadas. They are in the title but I've not included the name yet. Cicada. Cicada. I learned there are a few different types of cicadas. We have the ones with orange wings. The ones with green wings are bigger and I believe they are on a fifteen year rotation. Who just learned something by reading my blog? You did!

Wish me luck in the cicada suvival and have a good one.

Pictures: #1 is of a cicada emerging from its shell. The picture is so-so but it was actually kinda cool to see. #2 is of the all the cicada shells on one tree. Usually there are two of three is a small area there were like twenty five on this one tree and I got as many as I could in the picture. #3 is Gretchen with a cicada on a stick. She wasn't eating it or anything, just chasing me with it. #4 is my dad, holding a cicada.

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