Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The Soccer Game that Wasn't

It feels like my life has been very sportsy lately. Baseball games and more baseball games and running and the soccer camp and the last almost-sporting-adventure was to a soccer game starring the Cincinnati Kings. Rosemarie mentioned we should go and organized a group of us. I was so excited. It had been a while since I'd gone to a game. The last game I went to was one up on the cape when I was visiting Katie a few summers ago.

But, the night of the game this icky storm blew through Cincinnati. I was of the opinion that we could still go because we were driving to northern Kentucky and the storms weren't there but Rose made the command decision that we shouldn't go. Which I understand. She was driving all of us and didn't want to get there and find out the game was cancelled. Jonathan also didn't like the idea of sitting on metal bleachers in a lightening storm.

So, instead, the lot of us went to the movies and grabbed dessert at Outback. We saw Get Smart, which turned out better than I thought. I expected it to be funny and it was and it was a consistant humor that was easy to enjoy.

After the movie we drove to Outback. On the way there we got caught in a Harley-Davidson party. There were thousands of bikes surrounding the store. At the restuarant I had cheesecake with raspberries. Good times.

Have a great one.

Pictures: First is the fight over the bread which wasn't really a fight and more of a posing because someone (me) had their camera out and ready to take blog pictures with. Second is of Rosemarie laughing. Third of of Jonathan, but check out Liv in the background. It is gold. Fourth is of Liv.

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