Sunday, August 26, 2007

The Perfect Start

Ah, so I moved onto campus yesterday. Moving took time and setting up took time and did ya'll know there is a lot of time invested in moving onto campus? This year, Megan and I get one side of the room and Mery and Selby have the other with a desk-shared center space. I'm not cozy with the layout but so far we've made it work. But, because the actual organization section of the moving is a tab bit boring I will continue into the entertaining part that happened early early early in the morning.

Premise: Megan and I bunked our beds. I am on the top.

Last night at about two-thirty am my dorm had a fire drill. The first night we're all on campus and we're already being evacuated from a building. It was blah. But the most blah part of it was that when the alarm went off I was sleeping and in my sleepingness I totally forgot that I was up in the air. I don't remember the actual falling and to be honest I didn't really wake up until I was outside with inside-out pants and a very sore knee.
Yes, in the fall all I did was scrap up and bruise my knee. Today it is swollen and stiff and pretty colors. I am lucky that I didn't break something though like my arm or my leg or my head or Megan.

To add to the mayhem I am in a wedding next weekend with a dress that just barely covers my knees and four inch heels . . . I am excited about the wedding just not so excited that I get to show off my bruise. Maybe it will go away before the wedding. Oh, and I hope the skin comes back . . . that part is not too bad because I fell on a rug.

Yes, so that was my start to my sophomore year. Memorable is the word I would choose. Everything should be memorable.

Have a great one.

Pictures: First is a picture of the roommates. From left to right is Mery, Selby, me, and then Megan. Pictures two is of me on move in day and my mass amounts of hangers. Thanks for the pic. Mery. Third is the bed situation and fourth is my knee after the fall. That is as of this afternoon.


Anonymous said...

Those are hard concrete floors overlaid with tiles - ouch!!! My knee hurts just reading about what happened. I hope you feel better soon :)

(btw-welcome back!)

Samantha said...

Thanks so much. Today the knee is feeling better so thank you, thank you.
And thanks for reading.