Friday, March 9, 2007

Cincy Girls

Last night I drove down to OSU (Ohio State University) to visit two my girls from home. Rosemarie is leaving for Mexico in two weeks and she won't be back until mid-June so I wanted to get together with her before she left. And the crew wouldn't be complete without Olivia.

So, I drove there, got lost, found my way back, picked up the two and we were on our way around Columbus. We dinnered at a nice little bar with live music and then went in search of ink cartridge for Rose's computer. We sung Disney songs at the top of our lungs in Lola. Lola was singing too. When I drive back to Cincinnati, Lola and I sing, so she was singing last night. It was a lovely, lovely evening.

unwatched tv, visit my favorite restaurants back home, catch one of Gretchen's lacrosse games. books, work on stories, and relax. I am going to be a permanent couch fixture. Catch up onWhat made it even better was, at least for me, Spring Break starts today-- last night it would have been tomorrow. I have morning classes and then I am done, for a week. The plan: read She just started playing this year. It is going to be a lovely break.

As far as the gang up here. Megan and Geoff are going to South Carolina, Mery is going backpacking in Georgia, Mike is going home to Georgia, and Ryan is going home to Newark.

Happy Spring Break.

Pictures: So this time I am showcasing some of the greatest face contortions of the group. Picture one is of Olivia, Rose, and myself. Picture two is of poker. Everybody needs a poker face. Picture three of Megan, me, Geoff, and kitty. Those are some great faces there. And the fourth picture is Mery and me.


Anonymous said...

Really like picture one - three really cute & pretty girls! :o)

Samantha said...

On behalf of the trio, thank you very much.

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