Sunday, September 27, 2009

Who Dey . . . fizzle.

So, I'm from Cincinnati. My home city is wonderful. But there is one thing about home that makes me a bit upset and it is the Cincinnati Bengal's (NFL) catch phrase, "Who Dey."

Who Dey.

Who Dey?

Can we say who dey uneducated peoples?

In my opinion there is nothing creative about said phrase. It more sounds like a the only thing that the drunk fans can say by the end of the game. And if you are drunk, have at. I'd prefer you yelling "Who Dey" than driving around town. But if your not drunk, please don't. I think it is both uneducated and ridiculous.

Thank you.


David said...

Not saying I disagree with you, but it does make more sense if you know the whole chant.

Who dey!
Who dey!
Who dey think gonna beat dem Bengals?

The New Orleans Saints have a very similar chant (Who dat), which might explain the Cajun-accented grammar and spelling.

Samantha said...

David, you are just a wealth of information. The chant still isn't appealing and knowing the Saints have a similar one makes me sad for sports teams but at least now I can make an even more informed complaint.

Thanks for reading!