Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Social Networking

A recent comment on my 150th post inspired me to write this blog I am now writing. The commenter inquired if, since using blogger, I had become familiar with other social networking options like Twitter, Facebook, or other blogs.

In simple order:

Other blogs=no


Twitter: I attempted Twitter for a short while because my boss thought it would be a good form of quick communication. In my opinion, my time on Twitter was substandard. It was difficult for me to sort through comments and honestly, I'm not a hyper-checker of such things so the real-time updates were lost on me. I think being a hyper-checker makes Twitter a bit more user friendly.
Last spring I also attended the SPJ (Society of Professional Journalists) conference in Columbus. I attended a discussion on new social networking options hoping to learn a bit about what was out there. The presenters spent the entire hour talking about Twitter and about how wonderful it was. In my opinion, Twitter is convoluted. There are so many commands the user needs to know in order to get it work as it is intended that I find it not user friendly.
After the conference, I canceled my Twitter account and I've ignored it since.

Facebook: I am a Facebook user and I've been so since my freshman year of college. In my opinion, Facebook is more user friendly than Twitter and there is less reason to be connected to it twenty-four seven. I will admit that maybe my familiarity with Facebook makes it seem that way but I remember that when I opened my Facebook account, everything made sense. To write on someone's wall I click the button "write on wall". To see photos I clicked on the button "photos". To see a profile I could search a name or click on the person's picture. The prompts just made sense.

Other blogs: I currently keep just this blog, though I have considered starting something new. I think now, with my schedule, one blog is enough to keep me and those around me informed, but if a new creation does happen, I'll be sure to shamelessly plug it right here.

Thanks for the comment and thanks for reading.
Have a great day.

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