Thursday, December 27, 2007

Not an Honest Attempt

Hello blog readers. As in the previous post I mentioned that it might be sometime before I posted again due to exams, holidays, and travel but to be honest I did not think it would be this long. Honestly, I haven't tried to get on my computer because the internet here is unreliable and the desktop is too slow so perhaps, in all honestly, I've been lazy in the posting attempt but here it comes an attempt.

I've not much to say. Happy holidays . . . all holidays . . . and happy soon to be new year. I might as well wish you all a happy new year because chances are I won't be posting until next year because of the conundrum mentioned previously. I spelled conundrum right on the first try. I am amazing.

I really like the word conundrum. It is a forehead wrinkling word. Even typing it my forehead is wrinkled in a deep thought position. Conundrum, gives you thinking chills doesn't it.

As I said, there is not much to update on. I'm home, away from school, not doing anything school related except for blogging which is not class related so its not really school related except that it is. I'm reading. Not now because I'm updating but I'm reading when I'm not on my computer which due to the previously mention conundrum is a lot. I finished Card's yesterday Songmaster and started Vinge's Psion. So far so amazing and even more so because it came from out of the country because getting a copy in the states is a tough thing to do. It's been out of print for a bit but seeing as how I've been working on the series for nearly three years now I feel that I should get closing.

Book rant; way to be.

Yay last post of the 2007 year.

Have a good one.

Paint: the best way to finish off a year. The picture are a little obvious but if ya'll need clarification drop me a line.

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