Monday, October 20, 2008


You know, the kind that are on trees? It's not an order and I'm in no way been left and I'm not giving an order in a tense other than the order giving tense (yes, that is the technical term). It would be fun to write an entire blog in the wrong tense. It might frustrate you readers a bit, but you've been kind enough to put up with my grammatical errors up to this point . . . maybe it will happen. (For those of you who think it will never happen, I wrote an entire blog in Swahili once, don't mess with me.)

Anyway, so mid-semester break is where we left off and it went. It went quickly. Breaks tend to go quickly when every class assigns work (I'm not bitter) but in the midst of feeling like I was still at school, I did have some time to kick back and relax.

Gretchen raked up a huge pile of leaves and then invited me to jump in it, which I did. Olivia and I had our Chinese food fix. I spent an entire day in my pajamas. Spencer did not eat Phoebe. I got to spent time with mom and dad. I lost my keys and then discovered I'd already packed them because I am too efficient and I expect myself to remember this. I spent money at one of the best stores ever, Half Priced Books.

That is a good sum up. So, as you can read, some stuff happened and it was good. Then I got back on campus, got resettled (which involved unpacking and making a Kroger run) and then I went to class on Monday in which Adele informed me she found her Halloween costume. I want to thank everybody who considered submitting ideas, next time please submit them. But Adele is going as a French maid. I'm excited.

Have a great one.

Pictures: First is Gretchen laying in the leaves. Second is me rising from the leaves. Third is Phoebe not in the leaves. Fourth is Gretchen attacking me with a leaf in the leaves.

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