Thursday, October 9, 2008

Homecoming and #16

Can anybody guess what this weekend is? No hints because if ya'll read the title as is the natural tendency when going from the top of a document to it's bottom then ya already know. But what you might be confused by is the number.

I'll tell you what it is not.

16 is not the number of this weekend's events we've had (see how I'm creatively not giving away the answer to question 1?) 16 is not how old I am. 16 is not the number of DVDs on our DVD shelf. 16 is not the number of meatballs on my samich tonight. 16 is not the number of toes on my left foot. 16 is not the number of trees on campus.

I'll tell you what it is.

16 is how old my sister is. 16 is the number of tiles in my kitchen minus two rows. 16 is the number of toes on my right foot . . . haha . . . and 16 is the number of president's OWU has had because Rock Jones president number 16 gets inaugerated tomorrow. Woot!

I get to try out my arm waving skills tomorrow as a parking attendent. Yes, if you thought my tour guide arm waving skills were impressive you should check out the parking lot attendent arm waving skills. 7:30 tomorrow morning I will be waving wildly in a parking lot on campus. parking lot . . . I thought one more would be good.

Have a great one.

Pictures: First is Gretchen, who is sixteen, with Jaz, who is not. Second is the chunk of chocolate I found in my ice cream. Third is the number 100, which is not the number 16. Fourth is Rosemarie.

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