Saturday, August 23, 2008

To OWU and Beyond

Back at OWU. In my apartment. With it's slanted ceilings and rounded windows. And it's kitchen. And it's fridge that has BBQ sauce, ketchup, mustard, mayo, water, and some old pizza . . . I think there might be a shopping trip calling us. Majority of students move in today and all the freshmen moved in last weekend so they could participate in OWU's week long orientation.

I think Austin will be good for Zoe and I. There is more space than I remember there being . . . especially with the big hole in the center of the room because we don't have a couch or anything yet. It's funny looking because we've got out beds and such set up on one end and then we've got the kitchen and table and shelves on the other end and this big empty space in the middle. But I figure it will take us a few weeks to get everything set up. Most pressing is food; we've got a kitchen and we need to use it. Besides, BBQ and ketchup stew doesn't sound very appetizing . . . not at 7:30 am, not ever.

Austin Pictures of Our Room and Stuff:

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