Tuesday, April 22, 2008

11 Days

It's an amazing thing, 11 days until I go home for the summer. And in those 11 days I've got three papers and one exam to prepare. Paper one is done and in the revision stage. Paper two is also in revision stage. Paper three is not started but I've been thinking about it (yea, hard core thinking). I've actually had the idea for some time now, since I finished reading King Solomon's Mines, which happen about a month back, I've just not acted on the idea. I'm hoping I'll have some time the next couple of evenings and then on Sunday because Saturday is dedicated to Sping into College, out last big visit day of the year. (not gonna lie, I'm excited to get on a normal tour schedule).

What else, there really hasn't been any exciting developements in the world of me. Just lots and lots of work. I told someone yesterday that I'm not even sure that I sleep but I must be at some time because I've not passed out yet. I know I slept last night because in the middle of the night my arm did this really weird jerk and hit the wall thing. It hurt. My shoulder hurts now. I don't know why it jerked like that, just did.

I suppose I can preview my summer plans. None. That was easy.

No, that's a lie. I'm going to be working. Yes, lots of working, same job as last year, the nanny jig. It should be fun. I think I start in June. And plans beyond that, I'm just going to play things by ear. I might be visiting Katie in the Cape . . . maybe . . . it all depends on work and whether or not I can afford a plane ticket.

Have yourselves a great week.

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