Thursday, March 27, 2008

Art, Not.

So, I know I said that Mery would be writing us a blog about her spring break adventures and she is and while she is I am going to insert my opinon on a little experiment that took place on campus last week.

OWU has lots of art scattered around campus. We have sculptures and we having painting and we have photography and we have books and we have art muesums and we offer a fine arts degree. Lots of art.

For a project/experiment the art around and inside of the library was covered up with plastic bags. This was supposed to show OWU students what it was like without art. To be honest, I noticed the structures more, covered as they were. So, instead of seeing campus without art, I saw it covered by white trash bags which, in itself, is an art form. In my opinion, this experiment didn't work. All it did was draw more attention to what was already there, which was art, which is the opposite of the intended goal.

I also have to comment (because there is no way I could let this slip by without and if I offend some people oh well) on the covering statues. Statues are sometimes tall and sometime short. Most are narrow and point into the air . . . think about it for a minute. And then these erect statues are covered with white plastic . . . do some more thinking. If that is advertising anything, well, I would have to go with safe pre-marriage practices.

Continuing on. After the bags were removed from inside the library, there was a whole new art display and I have to admit, its some good stuff. I am kind of curious about one thing. There are READ posters over the front desk that feature OWU professors telling people to read and those were left uncovered in this expedition to not have art. Too bad for photography, apparently, you are not art. And too bad for books, all of those were left uncovered, you are not art either.

Have a great one.

Pictures: #1 is as close as ya'll are going to get to the erect-covered statues I mentioned. #2 a covered painting that hangs in the staircase. #3 a covered gong that is in the library basement. #4 Yours truly.

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