Monday, January 21, 2008

I, Me, Cold.

Hey kiddos.

It was an exciting week here at OWU. We had near zero temperatures and snowflakes. Winter is officially upon us in central Ohio. Delaware is a beautiful city when it snows. The old houses and central buildings are storybook like in their snow covered steeples and icicled overhangs. The sidewalks are crunchy with packed snow and ice. The roads are sometimes impassable. My favorite part of snow is the quiet it brings. There is something truly different about silence with snow and silence without. Everything is muffled. It's just you. It's magic.

Work has taken off here. I'm reading a lot. Some of you are thinking, Samantha you an English major, that is your job. Those of you who are thinking that are correct, I am an English major. Those of you who weren't thinking, welcome to the wonderful world I am operating in. I am not upset with the work. All of my classes are major associated which is what I yearned for last semester. Now, its about scheduling stuff right so I can get done all that needs to get done. But I am happy to be busy. All my books are bought, a painful day, and one is on its way.
College hint--try online searches for books before committing to bookstore prices. The bookstore is convenient and I use it for all my book buying but if your in a money bind, there are some great websites out there--college hint ended.

What else what else. Oh! Get excited my friend because on Monday, not today because today is nearly over but Monday, OWU has a visit day. Come hang out for the day. Go on tours, go to programs, eat lunch, visit a student panel, go on an encore tour with yours truly, and then go home with thoughts of OWU in your mind. I do recommend visit days. They are a wonderful way to get info about a university as well as interact with its student body.

Have a great one.

The pictures are from an Easton Adventure, and last years snowy student center, and a comma. Enjoy.


Anonymous said...

Samantha I believe you, and only you would paint a blue comma with out any explanation at all and place it at the end of a blog for substance. I do like the picture of us though...
Yay for English majors!

Samantha said...

Haha, you are so right. And I still offer no explanation.

English majors rock my fellow major.