Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Race Day

Welcome to the day after race day which is actually a few days later. On Saturday, after the ever amazing junior (in high school) visit day that I gave tours for, I jumped in a car and went to Columbus Speedway to watch cars make left turns. This was my first time to the track, a track for that matter and the crowd was in rare form. It was comforting to hear the yelling and see the arms waving as the cars continued to drive in a big circle. I of course involved myself in the activity. Through scientific processes and days of hard core research I picked my favorite drivers (based upon the most important factor, car color) and while none of them came close to winning, I was still satisfied by the beautiful color blurs.
We blended into the crowd nicely until the intermission (yes, races do have intermissions like all high quality shows) where we pulled out a camera and started snapping random photos of ourselves and the track. Apparently camera usage at a race track is unheard of unless you are in the middle of the track where you have to dodge cars bailing from the race and still manage to photograph a car moving at speeds that kill dust mites. Dust mites are living creatures, yes.
There were accidents but the true excitement came when the four tow trucks positioned in the dangerous center would all rush to the one car that sat stalled and backwards on the track. I'd never seen so many eager tow trucks. I was hoping they would race, but alas, tow truck racing is not something serious race goers enjoy. I did discover that they enjoy bus races though, which I must admit, does sound intriguing.
All in all the evening was a success, a smokey, asthma concluding success. I learned a new culture and realized that I might fit in better than I ever imagined . . .
Pictures: Okay, so these are all from the race track. Do notice the time changes, we were there for a very, very, extremely very long time. Picture number one is of the cars, making a left turn and then at the other end of the track they would make a left turn, followed by another left turn. "Their making a left turn. Their making another left turn" (kudos to ya'll who can identify the quoted quote.) Picture number two is the most unblurry picture of the four of us. I think we took twenty group pics, all blurry. We were only running away from the cars, oh well. Picture number three is of Megan and me. Last picture of me, half me, some of me.


Anonymous said...

Hey Samantha, it's been nice to be able to read your blog, from one ex-english major to a budding one. Keep up the good work!

Samantha said...

Thank you so much for reading and for your words of encouragement.

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