Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Frisbee Fun Fun

Today is cold. Cold as in snow flurries are flitting around and being pretty, but cold, cold. It wasn't cold yesterday, or a few days ago. Those few days ago were spent playing Frisbee.

We dined outside and then started a game of pick up Frisbee on the grassy lot between Beeghly library and the Corns building and across from the alumni center. There was just enough space for a large circle, crazy throws, lots of yelling and laughing, and I believe some falling down. We threw the disk for a good forty minutes before tiredness took over and it was great fun.

Frisbees are very popular on campus. A nice day doesn't go by without one flying around. They fly across the JAYwalk. They fly through Ham-Will. They fly across Sandusky Street and all over the grassy spots between dorms. I nearly got a tour group hit by one . . . talk about a real look at college life. At least it wasn't a car, right? Anyway, there are always pick-up games of Ultimate happening.

Ultimate Frisbee is a competitive non-contact sport played with a Frisbee. The object is to score points by passing the disc into the opposing end-zone. That is a simple definition for those unfamiliar with the game. It is also called Frisbee Football and should not be confused with Frisbee Golf.

Enjoy these pictures and have a great, great weekend.

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