Wednesday, December 9, 2009

One Acts Over

Hey there Readers,

So, as my title suggests, the One Acts are indeed over . . . and their awesomeness is not just something of memory . . . and it is a very, very good memory. Everyone did such a good job with "Why Men Carry Purses" (aka my play), swooping seagull included, that I've no complaints.

And now for stuff of today.

We have a wind advisory because the potential gusts will be above 55mphs. I am taken back to a day last year when we had gusty winds. A tree fell down and we lost power and lucky for us then, it was relatively warm outside. If the power goes down today/tomorrow, we will be cold. The high tomorrow is in the 20s. My body freezes over when the temperature is in the 40s. Woot to sleeping with hats. (If I do infact have to sleep with a hat on I will take pictures and share them with you. Promise.)

What else. It's a Wednesday, which means I have eight days left of my fall semester senior year. Bittersweet; mainly because I need the break so bad but I don't want college to end so soon. Hopefully the grad school apps will be in the mail soon but even then I won't know anything till March. Limbo is a very strange place to be situated.

Well all, have a wonderful day and more updates as they are needed.

Have a good one.

Photos: Pictures one and two are the gang I went to the One Acts with. Picture three is a flash back to last year's wind advisory.

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