Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The Trio of Doom Reunites

Hello wonderful visitors to the OWU blogging pages. It is the third week of July, a Tuesday, and I sit in McAllister's restaurant, borrowing their internet to update you all on the lovely weekend I had with the Trio of Doom aka Zoe, Adele, and myself.

Last Thursday, I drove from home to pick up Adele and then we made the trek to Ann Arbor to stay with and visit Zoe. While in Ann Arbor we went to the Ann Arbor art fair which encompasses much of the downtown area and involves a ridiculous amount of walking that you don't really know you are doing until you reach the end and have to make the journey back to the parking spot you lucked into. The art fair is mostly visual arts; painting, drawing, sculpture, jewelry, etc and while most of it is on sale, the prices are a little outstanding for a college student. My favorite booths were the silverware jewelry booth and the leather booth with the masks.

We also watched a lot of movies while we were there. We to the theater and saw The Dark Knight which was impressive to someone who wasn't all hipped up to see it. I thought the performances were great and when Christine Bale isn't doing the Batman voice, I could listen to him all day long. We also watched Sweeny Todd, Moulin Rouge, and I Am Legend. All three were also good. On the last night Adele and I were there, the three of us made enough cookies to feed the city of Ann Arbor. I ate a lot of them and brought even more back to Cincy with me.

Overall it was an excellent weekend I was happy to spend it with my OWU girls.

Have a great one.

Pictures: First if the Trio of Doom getting ready to go to the art fair. Well, I suppose we are already ready but we were soon to be walking out the door. Second if Adele and my, at the art fair, pushing the giant cube that Zoe said was a must do with visiting Ann Arbor. Third is a picture of me in a hat. Fourth is Adele in a freezer.


Anonymous said...

You're technically a junior ( great detail - noticed you updated your profile blurb already ), and you get to come back to campus with the new President officially in office. :o)

Anonymous said...

Funny, my sister prefers Bale's Batman voice. Guess you two can split him.

Samantha said...

Thank you both for reading and commenting. Wish you a very happy August.