Thursday, June 28, 2007


Cat bites.

I grew up with cats. My family has had seven within my lifetime; four of which are still alive and kicking. One is helping me write this blog. Actually he is laying up against my computer so there is no hope that the fan will blow the hot air out and the thing with probably explode. The computer, not the cat, but lets hope that I get this blog finished before computer go boom.

So I'm b-sitting this summer. That is my job. And I was petting their cat, who, to repay my kindness, took a good chunk out of my hand. Ya'll know the spot; the fleshy part between thumb and pointer finger.

I'm curious where the cat-bite-phobia came from. Numerous people have told me numerous times that you get bit by a cat and you go get antibiotics because you will die or loose an appendage. I have had seven cats. When I got bit real bad I reverted to good old soap, water, Neosporin and bandage, not the twenty bucks for doctor visit and then the second twenty for drugs. I still have both legs, both arms, all fingers and all toes. We'll assume I'm still alive. I don't see the scary in a small bite. I even had a cat that chewed on my foot.

Perhaps we need to be a little less germ-a-phobic and a little more common sense filled.

A study just came out recently that to avoid allergies and asthma in a child, said child and all of his/her friends should go roll in the dirt because it exposes the immune system to bacteria and germs and allows that immune system to get strong. Take a guess where my kids are going to play? Granted this doesn't apply to everyone, me for one. I have terrible allergies (environment and food) and my favorite play place was the dirt hole in the back yard, but I do believe for the greater population, it works.

Lets play in the dirt and lets use soap and water before panicking. (And I don't want all ya'll telling me its a prepared thing. If that were the case you wouldn't have been bit by the cat in the first place).

Have a great, ponderous week.

Pictures: These were taken with the highest digital technology available. First is my computer exploding. Second it me being bitten by a cat. Third is children in the dirt. Fourth is a germ.

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