Thursday, August 20, 2009

Wu Wu

I'm a train. I'm a train in Delaware OH. And if I, Samantha, am in Delaware OH, the probably means I am at OWU! Woot. Yes, yes, I moved back into Austin yesterday and so here I sit, at my kitchen table, blogging about being back at the Wu.

I think I'm going to get my books today. Or at least those that are in the bookstore.

I am all unpacked and the apartment is clean, clean, clean. Except for the bathroom because the tub won't drain. The plumber is coming today. Plumber shout-out on my blog.

And Zoe moves back in this afternoon and Adele moves back in tomorrow. Well, Adele doesn't move back into Austin tomorrow because she lives in the Smith but she moves back to campus tomorrow. Wootastic.

You know what else is wootastic? My Cincinnati. On Monday, my family made me a big going away dinner complete with BBQ ribs (BBQ being my favorite food), tato salad (aka potato salad), beans (beans), and a homemade taramisu (spelled wrong). It was heavenly, if a dinner can be compared to heaven.

Then Tuesday, I went out with Mike and Liv and we had dinner and hung out the park and it was lovely.

Have a good one.

Pictures: First is my plumber shout out. Second is a belicopter that Jake and I saw at the beginning of the summer and I took that from his convertible without zoom on my camera. It was a low-flying copter. Third is me. Fourth is the giant cookie that Gretchen baked.


Adele said...

Oh Samantha, how I missed reading your blogs. They are some pants.

Anonymous said...

How much do books cost these days? probably dont want to know ... but with the internet, probably can find them way cheaper than the monopoly bookstore on campus :P

Samantha said...

Well, my books cost just over $300 this semester, which is a bit on the cheap side. I have two lit courses (so a lot of small books) and an independent study which at this point equals no books.

I think the average class calls for about $100 worth of books so when your average OWU student takes four classes, the total can add up fast.

But there are options beyond the bookstore monopoly. These days, students turn to and and other students.

Thanks for commenting.